Lola Sky a perfect mix of hot, horny, sane and kind hearted

332930   May 7, 2023
It took some time to find out why, she had a part she had to hide. At first she seemed a wild one, but then you saw her submissive side. It started out as just a joke, you said "Stop before I have to spank you."; The look of lust you saw just then, her reply to you, just "Thank you." So now she sits there, bound and tied, trembling with her pent up need, you asked her how she wanted it, she then said "bite me 'till I bleed." What started with some feather touch, soon went to whistling whips, she cries out in both pain and lust, your pants then come off your hips. You pinch her breasts and spank her ass, "Tell me, are you ready yet?" She moans and nods, begs and pleads, "Your slave is soaking wet." Soon as her words begin to slur, that's when you know she's ready to cum, a perfect thrust, some screaming bliss, then your comfort for her when you're done. A knowing look, the love you share, you wouldn't change a thing you did, all because you took the time, to find that woman she hid

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