Demi Rhoades loves being thrown around like a little rag doll

125208   May 20, 2023
Your favorite toy is her behind, your hands are on it all the time. It’s wide and round but firm and toned, an ass any man would love to own. Soft and bouncy, that’s her bum, and usually it’s full of cum! You plug her up before you sleep so the cum stays in and doesn’t seep. In the morning her panties hit the floor and you roughly enter her back door. Her empty cunt drips down her thigh, and you screw her butthole while she crys. A great big cock between her cheeks could make an asswhore sob and cum for weeks. But won’t your huge cock make her loose and much less fun for daily use? This thought worries her at night: What if this hole becomes less tight? And, stretched by cock and anal beads, it no longer meets your manly needs? When girl’s assholes get wide and lazy, they no longer drive men crazy. She can’t remain your favorite lass without a tight and grippy ass! Girls must keep their holes in shape so they cling and clench and never gape. Anything you tell her, little slut, is what you must take up her butt. Men will stretch you, it’s what they do, with cocks and giant dildos too. It’s her job to treat you right - a good girl’s ass must squeeze you tight. She’ll be rewarded with your cream... thank you with her girly screams

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