Anal addicted squirting doll Suzy Que always gets the job done

380453   May 21, 2023
Can you fuck her hard daddy? Harder than ever before, let me tell you how she’ll take your cock, how you’ll have her begging for more. She really doesn’t like it gentle, she's your little fuck toy, she wants you pounding her tight holes, how you dreamt when you were a boy. You’ll firstly have her on her knees, she’ll be drooling for your cock, she goes ahead and pull it out, and it’s as hard as a rock. You grab her by the throat and spit right in her eye, she tells you she's your nasty slut, to that you don’t reply. Your cock is only halfway in, by now you’ve had enough, you grab her by the hair and fuck her throat so rough. You ram it deep down her throat and hold it there awhile, her eyes start to water for you, as you’ve taken her the mile. You throw her on the bed now and you stretch her legs wide open, you take no time at all to get her pussy soaking. She's moaning ever so gently but she wants you oh so bad, you slide 3 fingers in her pussy and tell her its the best you’ve had. You put the tip in she moans a little, because your cock is just so nice, you slam your it deep unexpectedly, her stomach paying the price. You start pounding out her anal, she's screaming at this stage, you are fucking her so good, as if you are in rage. You say to her as your balls deep: “You love this cock don’t you?” She nods and moans to reply, because she's seeing it through

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