Absolutely incredible goddess Brigid sweet, sexy and willing

117596   June 27, 2023
As the sun sets in the horizon, as the moon lits up the sky, she feels so shy as you feel her tonight. Your body is like an aphrodisiac, she will love to have it, she feels so secure in your arms, as you protect her from all the harm. She fills your glass with rum, she sucks your cock and you cum. You mix it with your drink and it tastes so sweet, as she licks it when you drop it down her tits. She uncrosses her legs, you finger her clit, as she lets out her voice, you have no choice but to enter her, as she feels your phallus violating her. She writhes in joy, you tickle her and her soul, while doing an act so foul. You growl as she tells you to stop, the pain is too much, you tell her to forget her pain, as you kiss her again. She's the goddess of the sex castle, but now she's your slave, you are her master and now she lives in your cave. She has devoted herself to you, in your arms now she will spend her life, she wants you to love her, she wants you to hurt her... but please don't ever leave her

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