Russian American webcam model Oksana Nicky rides a big dildo

180527   June 29, 2023
It was Russian winter and white and snowy outside, you couldn’t have ever survived it if you’d tried. So you cuddled as lovers down under the covers, and pulled our warm bodies side by side. You let that nakedness supply all the heat and you held her and felt her steady heart beat. Before you could sleep, you inserted deep and that day was one truly memorable treat. You fucked slowly and savored each stroke, then went off to the hot tub for a soak. The cuddling was best and together you’d rest and the next morning together you awoke. It was still very cold so you did it once more and each other you would carefully explore. Every crevice and crease... and every warm fleshy piece. Your mouth on her breast, sucking and nibbling, her mouth on your cock... licking and sucking and teasing. She begs for your cock, you grin in delight, you slam it in her and fuck her the way she likes

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