A good dick rider and a pole dancer Soriya Solay gets you off

153822   September 18, 2023
In the darkness, there she stood, her breasts so great and round, you looked at her, and you got hard wood, as you thought of fucking her pound for pound. Her lips are so pouty, red and thick, like kissing her in such hot inspiration, her lower lips you want to suck and lick, as her lips caress your hard desire. Her ass, twin globes, a work of art, who's crack demands your tongue's attention, you grab and squeeze those perfect lobes, you lick the place that has no mention. You could suck and squeeze her tits all night long, but other duties for your hungry mouth, you want to hear her climax song, so your face and tongue head south. When you reach the promised land, her legs go on your shoulder, you part her labia with her lips and hand, and then your tongue grows bolder. She grabs your head, as her pleasure rise, you slurp, and tease, and lick, she comes so hard, it's a nice surprise, and she's very ready for your dick

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