Maisie Wilder can hardly wait you vibe her phat bushy pussy

118374   September 18, 2023
Positions, well those everyone knows, you slide inside her deep, front door, back door, heads and toes, fuck all night, no sleep. As you rest a layin' there, holdin' twenty pound ass and tit, she asks for you to fuck her hard, in the place where she does sit. So voluptuous Maisie lay supine, till you flip her hands and knees, her head goes down, and ass up devine, invites you do as you please. So you're both lubed up to have some fun, she spreads her cheeks quite wide, then in you go, a hairy hole in one, felt so good, couldn't speak, in fact you thought you died. Voluptuous Maisie, came hard with shudders, your rectum wrecker squeezed in her vice, you came in her enormous ass, and then your Domme came hard twice

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