Sweet cherry you can't get enough of this beautiful edging girl

110686   November 24, 2023
You guide her down, a tight squat, her skirt rides high, bare skin on display, a black lace thong, a bare ass so hot, she takes you in, her mouth in full array. You mutter something, finger at her nape, a threat, a comfort, as she gasps and chokes, breathes, you snap, your command so stark, she surrenders, lost in the depths of this stroke. She can't breathe, it's too much, unsure, but it's fine, her desire alight, burning thighs, bouncing, endure, air becomes secondary, forgotten plight. Lungs filled with you, her throat engorged, you watch, but who needs air, she says, you retreat, denying her, a teasing gorge and she bubbles with joy, unable to convey. Looking up, with a whisper she confesses, she lied, your cock she craves without compare, more than air, it's your touch she possesses for with you, she finds her every breath, so rare

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