Sexy lavender from South Africa sweet, ambitious and thoughtful

124867   January 15, 2024
You see she's looking at you, giving you the brazen eye, she licks her lips, slowly, Yeah babe, you are her guy. Party music, noisy crowd, "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?" she shouts, really loud, you think "What good luck." You nod, following her out, no kindly words or foreplay, let's get it on, you want to shout, your prick wants it's own way. Struggling to pull and tear, giving mutual pleasure a must, derived from pant and thrust, tossing clothes here and there. Giggling and laughing as you try to stand up straight and screw, her warm leg upon your thigh, your hard cock deep inside her. You grunt and gyrate your hips, she moans and sigh, lost in lust, small screams escape from her lips... a quickie it is, the peak a must

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