A free spirit and a filthy whore Nina Spencer no one compares

151886   January 22, 2024
As you make your way down a one way street, among the sorid array of seekers like you and me. You happen to take a wanton glance, at a woman who asks do you want to dance. As you look into her transfixed gaze, you hesitate for a moment somewhat amazed. Does she really want to take this one time chance, to turn her world upside down with your idea of romance. As you make your way to the other side of lust, and she slowly begins to reveal her wares, you notice for a brief but uncounted second, how lovely she is despite her lost and lonely stare. As you firmly grab her soft delicate breast in your surgical hands and wrap your lips around her hard and pointed brown nipples, you think to yourself if just for a moment, how you feel like a little kid lost in the world of candyland. While sinking ever so slowly to her smooth and tender knees, she slips your cock in her mouth with tenderness and ease :)

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