Anal lover naughty blonde bombshell Louise G first time on cam

196758   February 19, 2024
Between you are some sixteen years, but it matters not, cause Louise G has an ass, that's juicy and so hot. You would gladly sit her down, upon her lusting face, and with her lips and probing tongue, you'd worship her sweet grace. The smoothness of her sweet hot ass, her cheeks, her tasty hole, is what your lips and tongue so crave, is your greatest goal! Cause Louise is a sweet assed girl, her crack goes all the way, her asscheeks roundly firm and smooth, shine like the moonlight's rays. She lays there silent on your lap, her bare ass is exposed, her panties down around her knees, her cheeks still hide her rose. You gently raise her as she is, and lay her on your bed, and spread her cheeks again to look, and lick and suck instead. She moans with pleasure as you lick, and tells you it feels good, you suck some more and lick some more, you're doing like you should. You suck all up and down her crack, and hickies soon appear, and then you lick her hole some more, to you it feels so dear. You cannot stand it anymore, you plunge your tongue way in, she yips a sound of purest joy, then moans "Again! Again!" And just because her glory-hole, is scrumptious tasting sweet, you suck and probe and lick on it, you lick and suck and eat

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