Red Miss Sym interested in seeing what kind of a man you are

113108   February 21, 2024
Miss Sym glides naked into the room, and smiles, your eyes caress her naked form, her beauty numbs your feasting brain, which makes your soul grow soft and warm. Her face, her shape, her bewitching charms, can make any wounds you suffer, heal, is it any wonder that her pristine beauty has managed fore'er your heart to steal? That skin so radiantly soft and smooth, so perfectly forms her flawless face, framed by silken locks of golden sunshine, how could your pulse do aught but race? You're held in awe by sexy curves, for they create such an addicting shape, as your eyes overflow with her sublime perfection, your stunned jaw slackens... your mouth drops, agape. Those breasts so round and firm, yet soft, scream for your fingers' sweet caress, but it's clear that every other inch of this woman of yours, you also burn to touch, you must confess. Legs so shapely, sleek and sexy, make you shiver and grow with lust, so that sliding your trembling fingers along them both, has become, you fear, a must. On the bed you tumble, entwined in lust, your bodies fused with love gone quite insane... passion steams from your every pore as you careen madly along, lust gaining the momentum of a runaway train

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