Tattooed blondie Lana Daisy from UK puts on a spectacular show

211307   February 26, 2024
In the darkness, you grab her shoulder, turning her around, feeling bolder, a rough kiss, your hands on her back, slamming her against the wall, no lack. Fingers finding their way under her dress, ignoring her protests, causing distress, moving slowly, keeping her in place, rough and forceful, leaving no space. Slapping her ass, to quiet her cries, plunging into her, no compromise, a feral pace, animalistic lust, leaving her gasping, turning to dust. Grinning at her, as she moans, pulling her hair, making it known, taking it all, you demanded, fulfilling your desire, commanded. Her tits bouncing, as you thrust, pulling them out, in lust, no bra to hide, no denial, taking what you want, in trial. Climaxing inside, releasing your heat, into her womb, leaving a treat, leaving her there, against the wall, breeding bitch, your words call

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