Curvaceous blonde MILF cowgirl so sweet as honey and wet for you

166232   May 19, 2024
Her hot breath sends shivers down your spine, as her lips brush your lobe, her velvet tongue traces a line that sets her body aglow. "I need to feel you deep inside, This aching need consumes me", her nails down your back, as she cried, "Make me yours, I'm begging thee." She guides your manhood to her portal, slick and wanting at the gate, her silken depths beg to be parted, no more can she wait. "Ravish me, I'm yours immortal," she pleads with desperate need, her hips buck, trying to impale, on your rigid, throbbing seed. You answer her wanton pleas, and slowly sheath your steel, inch by aching inch, you tease, as her velvet walls reveal. Your sexes joined in divine rite, she claws at your back, urging you on, "Ride me hard into the night, my love! Don't stop until dawn!"

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