Bratty princess Halle Heartly with a posh body fucked and facialed

123152   October 1, 2024
Her name is Halle and she's a secretary by trade, you are the boss giving her work and some chores, and lots of ways for her to get paid, when she goes into your office she always locks the door. She fetches you your hot tea with lemon, trying to pretend she wasn't late, you command her to get across your knees: "Work starts promptly at eight!" Up go her skirt, your hands on her ass, you're going to teach her a lesson, many slaps to her buttocks with some sass, you're angry and take out your aggression. You tell Halle to unzip your pants, she's your secretary and so much more, perhaps if done right she'll get an advance, these are the perks to being the boss's whore. She bobs up and down on your dick, you're enjoying all this head, sucks, slurps, and gags to your prick, you want to take your whore to bed. She swirls her tongue around your tip, making you feel really fantastic, face fucking her and moving your hips, your secretary is very enthusiastic

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