Bi Taylor would love to show you all her tricks up her sleeve

140758   May 6, 2023
You look into her eyes as she explores her body, her mind is filled with pleasurable sins her lady. She parts her lips and whispers her name, you nod to her showing you feel the same. Her desire is to bring her to pleasure, tonight she will have her greatest treasure. More then anything you'd like to flirt, no time for that as she grabs and takes off her shirt. It started slowly, with a trickle, as the nerves began to tickle. It was rising, slowly higher, as her nerves were set on fire. Then the trickle turned to streaming, heavy breathing, heavy dreaming. Then the dam began to burst, quenching waves of unslaked thirst. And as the dam was broken, splintered, lusty screams cried out, unhindered. It all started with a trickle, when the nerves began to tickle. It persisted, ever lingering, then did she begins her fingering

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